318 Brannan Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94107


When it comes to contact lenses, we offer a variety of options and an extensive line of varying brands. There are numerous benefits to wearing contact lenses beside the hassle-free vision fix, you don’t have to worry about misplacing your eyeglasses, you can wear non-prescription goggles or sunglasses and you have a glasses-free appearance.

For some eye problems such as an astigmatism, contact lenses provide a more enhanced vision correction than you would get from eyeglasses. People who once couldn’t wear contact lenses because of their prescriptions can now do so. Bifocal contact lenses are now available for those who wear bifocals.

The Differences

Soft Lenses – Very comfortable to wear, soft lenses require replacement either daily, weekly or monthly depending on the kind you select. Those who are playing sports may benefit from soft lenses because they provide a closer fit to the eye and more challenging to dislodge. They are a great solution for most prescriptions, including those with astigmatism.

Gas-Permeable (GP) Lenses – Offering sharp vision and providing needed correction for the majority of vision problems, GP lenses are comprised of moderately flexible plastics. While their durability is greater than that of soft lenses, they do take longer to adapt to and require consistent wear to maintain adaptation. They are also easier to care for than soft lenses.

Multi-focal Lenses – Working much like bifocals, multi-focal lenses provide vision correction at a distance as well as near.

Colored Contact Lenses – Whether you just want to enhance your natural eye color or change it completely, colored contact lenses can be fun to wear.

When it comes to contact lenses, we have the greatest selection available. We can help you choose the best lenses for your needs.