318 Brannan Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94107

Eye Diseases

There are literally dozens of eye problems and diseases in existence. We can help you treat any eye injuries, problems and diseases. As an example, we treat pink eye, cataracts, dry eyes, myopia (near sightedness), eyelid bumps, styes, floaters and so forth.

Common Problems

  • If you have contact lens, you can experience acanthamoeba keratitis, which is a rare but serious eye infection that is related to hygiene in regards to your contacts.
  • Amblyopia, which is known as lazy eye, can be treated through vision therapy and other approaches.
  • We also help patients with astigmatism, which is an irregular curvature that causes blurriness.
  • Blepharitis is eyelid inflammation that results from chronic irritation of the eye, light sensitivity, watery eyes and other problems.
  • While people of any age can experience cataracts, the risk does increase with age.
  • A swollen bump in the eyelid is called a chalazion.
  • Color blindness involves color vision deficiency, but we do help you learn to cope with it.
  • Corneal ulcers can be treated to prevent scarring.
  • Diabetes can damage eyes. One such problem is diabetic retinopathy which can be treated in our office
  • Double vision, also called diplopia, can be caused by various problems, including cataracts or stroke.
  • Eye twitches can be aggravating. There many causes of eye twitches, so we can determine if they are harmless or the result of a problem.
  • Floaters, flashes and spots could be harmless, but they can also help you recognize a serious problem, such as a detached retina.

Seek Medical Treatment

If you are noticing any unusual vision problems, you need to call our office right away. We take emergencies seriously, so we will get you in quickly for an exam and treatment.